Lawrenceville First United Methodist Church is a diverse community of faith helping people experience transformation through connection to Jesus and the church. We live this out every day by connecting the Church to the Community and the Community to the Church.
Join us in worship on Sunday morning!
Join us in worship on Sunday morning!
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
Communion Service: 8:30 am
Modern Service: 9:30 am
Traditional Service: 11:00 am
Modern Service: 9:30 am
Traditional Service: 11:00 am
We have special parking spots available for our visitors. Just follow the "Welcome Center" signs around to our main parking area. From there you will be able to enter through the Welcome Center or the Front of the Sanctuary.
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. Our Modern Service is where you will find more contemporary worship and our Traditional Service consists of Hymns and Anthems. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups.
Spiritual growth opportunities
Adult, Student, & Children's Small Groups
Adult Sunday Groups
Short-Term Studies
Propel Women
LV Men
Adult Sunday Groups
Short-Term Studies
Propel Women
LV Men