
We are glad you're here!
Scroll down to find our attractions map, FAQ, and raffle information!

We'd love to meet you at the blue welcome tent!

What to do & where to find it:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I park?
We have a parking team to help get you parked safely. Look for the neon vests to direct you to the best parking spot.

Where do I start cabin treating?
There is no specific starting or ending cabin. This is your chance to choose your own adventure and visit each cabin as you choose.

What is the family movie at the arbor?
We will be showing It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown at 5:30 and 6:15 under the arbor. You and your family are welcome to take a seat under the arbor to enjoy the program together!

Can I go to the cabins multiple times?
Once you've visited a cabin once or twice, please take a chance to explore the rest of the campground. We want to have space for all our friends at the cabins!

How can I get more information?
Whether you want to know more about Candy at the Cabins, Lawrenceville Lights, or LV First, we'd love to meet you at the blue welcome tent.

Want to enter our Giveaway?

We are giving away Amazon gift cards! Complete this form to be entered into our giveaway. 2 winners will be randomly selected at 5:45pm and 6:45pm. If you win, you will receive a text at those times! Must be present to win.

We love to put Lawrenceville First!

For more about our mission to put Lawrenceville first, visit our website at www.lvfirstorg. We'd love to see you again for Lawrenceville Lights or one of our Christmas services!
You may be photographed or video recorded for church purposes.