Sunday Re-Cap (February 17, 2025)

This Sunday we're looking at the story of Jesus calming the sea and talking about how we can take back the control that fear has over our lives by trusting Jesus and finding faith IN the midst of our fears.

Watch Sunday's Services

Want to watch the full service? Click below!

Sermon Notes

Check out some of the key takeaways from this past Sunday's Sermon.

This week's scripture was Luke 8:22-25

Ash Wednesday

Save the date and join us for Ash Wednesday on March 5th at 6:30PM!

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Scripture refers to ashes both as a sign of mortality and a sign of repentance. Worship for the day focuses on the themes of sin and death in the light of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ. Scripture references are found in Psalm 51, Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10, and Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18.

This Week at LVfirst

Everything happening at your church this week.
Propel Women (February 21, 2025)
Ladies! RSVP today for Propel this Friday, February 21st!

Propel Women meets to equip women in leadership, encourage women to pursue their God-given dreams, and empower women to have impact in their areas of influence. It is a great night out with dinner, music, guest speaker, video curriculum and conversation topics around the table!

Coming Up Soon

Crossroads Gathering (February 26, 2025)
Crossroads (a ministry for adults 50+) will meet in the Family Center on February 26th at 12:00PM. Please contact Pastor Deanne (ext. 0157) or Tammy (ext. 0110) to RSVP.

Next Sunday at LVfirst

Get a head start on Sunday's sermon!
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