December 16th, 2024

This Sunday we celebrated the Sunday of Joy! We talked about the difference between happiness and joy, and about how joy is a choice that we have to make each day.
Watch Sunday's Services
Want to watch the full service? Click below!
Sermon Notes
Check out some of the key takeaways from this past Sunday's Sermon.
This week's scripture was Luke 1:26-38

2024 Year-End Giving

Year-end giving is critical in making sure that we finish the year strong and in a good financial condition to start 2025. Please try and complete your pledge for the year and prayerfully consider a special gift to the general fund that is above and beyond your regular giving. In order to be included on your 2024 contribution record, checks are due in the church office, or must be postmarked, by December 31st.
If mailing, please mail to PO Box 2127, Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Please contact me at or 770-963-0386 ext. 0127 if you have any questions regarding year-end giving, your contribution record, or church finances in general.
As always, another fast and easy option for giving is through our giving page on our website which you can access at Thank you for your faithful and continued support of LVfirst!
This Week at LVfirst
Everything that's happening this week at your church!

Lawrenceville Lights (December 12-14 & 19-21, 2024)
Lawrenceville Lights is back this week and we can't wait to welcome 15,000 of our neighbors to experience the light of Christmas again this year!
If you would like to help out by volunteering, you can sign up by clicking the button below.
Coming Up

Christmas Eve Services (December 23 & 24, 2024)
The countdown to Christmas is officially on! We hope you'll mark your calendars and plan to join us for Christmas Eve for one of our many services. Find more information about our Christmas Eve services and live-stream links by clicking the button below.
The countdown to Christmas is officially on! We hope you'll mark your calendars and plan to join us for Christmas Eve for one of our many services. Find more information about our Christmas Eve services and live-stream links by clicking the button below.
A Sneak Peak at Next Sunday, December 22
Get a head start on next Sunday's sermon!

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