Sunday Re-Cap (September 2, 2024)

Happy Labor Day! We hope everyone is enjoying some much-deserved time off and rest. This past Sunday we dug into how the Sabbath connects us to God by allowing us to take a break from our regular rhythm of life and work.

There is no podcast this week, but you can watch BOTH services from this past Sunday on YouTube On-Demand.

Watch Sunday's Services

Watch to watch the full service? Click below!

Sermon Notes

Check out some of the key takeaways from this past Sunday's Sermon.

This week's scripture was Exodus 20:8-11.

This Week at LVfirst

Everything that's happening this week at your church!
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity (Starts September 8th)
Engage your family in a bigger story -- one that involves other influences who are on a journey to discover why a relationship with God really matters. Come learn how to invite others to invest in your children, create a culture of unconditional love, and tap into the power of quality moments together, building a sense of purpose through everyday experiences. You can increase your parenting capacity! 

**Class meetings: Sept 8th, Oct 6th, Nov 10th, Dec 8th, Jan 12, Feb 9th

Coming Up

Flu Shots at LVfirst (September 18)
Next Wednesday, Flu Shots will be available at LVfirst from 8:30AM - 2:00PM and 4:00PM to 7:00PM.

A Sneak Peak at Next Sunday, September 8

Get a head start on next Sunday's sermon! 
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